Principal's Message
In ou
Our school community is full of exceptional women. From the woman, alongside a team of women, who fiercely lead the building; to the women who bring their brilliance and talents to the our students every day as their teachers and support staff; to the women who serve in the lunchroom, on the playground, and as custodians; to the women who hold the building together in the office and those who keep us safe as security; and finally to the women who are the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, guardians, and even our “walking school bus”; together, we all serve as a powerful village of woman who work together to ensure every student is cared for, successful and safe. Each one of us has a pivotal role in the life of our students and we must take this role seriously. From us, they will learn the triumphs, strength, and brilliance of women that will empower their decisions in the future. We serve as a daily model that women are not a monolith and don’t fit anyone’s specific mold nor ascribe to society's norms. In our school community, we are fortunate to have women who are models of diversity affirming our students daily without saying a word. Gender is a spectrum and our students describe their individual gender identity in many ways. No matter their identity, they benefit from the women in our school community.
Thank you to all the women in our community who do so much to NTA great for our students, on top of every other daily responsibility you carry. Thanks for showing up as your authentic self and adding value to our school. Amanda Gorman said, “There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” Thanks for illuminating our school community!
Think about how you will close out Women’s History Month with your children. Consider sharing stories of the powerful women in your family.. Consider doing something special to celebrate and empower the young woman in your family.